Creating Wellness through Exercise: Sijo’s Impactful Visits at The Croft!

At The Croft, we are incredibly fortunate to have the unwavering support and expertise of Sijo, our dedicated physiotherapist who visits us weekly to lead our residents through invigorating exercise routines!

Through his skilled guidance and compassionate approach, Sijo brings joy and encouragement to our residents as they engage in exercises tailored to their unique needs and abilities.

We are immensely grateful to Sijo for his dedication and care, and for creating an environment where exercise becomes an enjoyable part of our residents’ lives. His impact goes beyond physical health—it extends to the emotional and mental well-being of our residents.

#TheCroftPhysioSessions #SijoThePhysiotherapist #SilverStreamCommunity

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Please fill out the form for care enquiries, admissions or to register your interest in a viewing.  To contact one of our Nursing Homes directly, please see list of contact details below.
Silver Stream Healthcare Group, Head Office,
Ratoath, Co. Meath, A85 YW73, Ireland
Head Office: +353 (0)1 825 4265
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NB: if you have requested a booking for a home viewing or visit, please note that you will receive a confirmation email when we have processed your request. If you have not yet received a confirmation, we are still processing the request.
